What is Story Feast?
Story Feast Is Small Group Gatherings
In weekly 75 minute small group
gatherings, participants experience a welcoming space for sharing their life stories, and for listening to the stories of others in the circle.
Gain Insight & Acceptance Of Our Life Stories
Through the Story Feast experience, we gain insight, acceptance and understanding of our life stories. Many participants collect their writings and share them with family or friends as a legacy of their life experiences.

Story Feast is A Non-Judgement Zone
Our Process
Every meeting presents a theme and a set of writing prompts. As you reflect during the week, and write one to two pages following the prompts, you will gain clarity and insight into your life. The magic sauce happens in our small groups in which you share your reflections and listen to what others have written.
Being heard offers affirmation for our authenticity, and it increases oxytocin and dopamine, which are the happiness chemicals in our brains. Following the cues of active listening, no comments are made about what anyone writes; instead we offer affirmation through snapping our fingers, putting our hands together, or placing our hand over our heart.
Meeting Structure

Next, participants are invited to engage in a centering moment. Then, participants will have the opportunity to share their writing and listen as others share their writing. Meetings conclude with insight sharing, and introduction of the theme for the upcoming week.

About Story Feast 101
Story Feast 101 is our signature experience. The eight session process includes reflection, writing and sharing about life defining experiences, family, work and achievements, love and relationships, death and grief, spiritual beliefs and values, and a potpourri week.Groups
Story Feast Groups are offered by churches, community organizations, schools, retirement communities, and online.
The guide for Story Feast 101 can be downloaded from our website, and copies reproduced for each participant.
A fee of $7.00 per participant in your group is to be paid to Story Feast Collective (your honesty is appreciated!)

Story Feast Circles are Brave Spaces

Brené Brown

“You cannot heal what you do not first acknowledge.”
Father Richard Rohr

“We must shift to, value and prioritize the way of the circle. We must create spaces to prioritize hearing and holding all that is within the human heart.”
Poet Chelan Harkin
Why A Story Feast?

Experience Belonging

Your Story is Important

Listening is Empowering

A Feast is For Enjoying

Our Story…
Throughout 40+ years of work in church and community organizations, Story Feast Collective founder Mark Acker has had a passion for addressing the loneliness and lack of deep connection prevalent in our culture. Knowing the power of story and small group experiences, we set out to create a process driven by authenticity, affirmation and belonging. The result is the Story Feast Collective.

Contact Us
Story Feast Collective
Hendersonville, North Carolina 28731
Have Questions? We are happy to help!
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